So a couple years ago my family was introduced to Dave Ramsey!
If you do not know who this man is, go to google now. I could so a whole blog post on his Financial Peace University. That will be later .
He is training people to live debt free. That's right no debt!
Crazy in our society that this is such a hard fact to accept. We love it!
So we got rid of all credit cards and started using cash. Are we debt free yet? Nope, but we are getting close.
On our 8 year Wedding Anniversary we decided we wanted to go somewhere for the big 10! In a world filled with divorce and separation; we wanted to celebrate that we made it.
So we started saving and saving. This year was our ten years!
We are going to Italy!!! Without kids! Paid cash! Can you tell I'm excited.
Okay a lot friends have asked what we did. Well we did it by a lot of hard work, planning, and advice from friends and family who have already went.
Some may already know how to plan awesomely cheap vacations, but if you don't these next couple post are for you.
Tomorrow I will explain some of the things we have done to make this happen.
So tune in!
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